I haven't written in awhile...so much change has been going on. I have felt like I was hanging in mid-air, dangling if you will, about to fall at any moment. But I have not fallen. My feet have not yet touched the ground where they will surely feel more comfortable, where I might feel like I was in control...but I haven't died yet either. That's what it felt like when I started to traverse from the safe comfortable spot that had been my cocoon. I knew what to expect there...where to eat and sleep and work, even where to play and relax and goof off... It was home and I knew where everything was. It felt safe - and good or bad, I always knew what to expect.
Then came the change, the uncontrollable movement of everything around me and suddenly I found myself hanging from a silken thread just like the picture of this inchworm above...no longer in familiar territory - but not yet at my destination either...I was suspended between the two by what often seemed an invisible thread, which kept me from falling too fast so that I wouldn't get hurt.
At first it felt scary and I certainly didn't like dangling there at the mercy of something that I didn't completely trust..."I mean how strong is a silk thread anyway" I found myself thinking, "you can't really even see it except in just the right light" I complained to myself. Some days I just knew that I was going to crash to the ground. Every gust of wind found me swaying back and forth like I was on some crazy carnival ride that only a child could love. But somehow the thread was always strong enough.
As everything around me has changed, I am starting to realize that I have been changing too. I have been getting stronger hanging here on this thread. The wind wasn't hurting me, it was helping me to trust that this silk wasn't going to let me fall. And the wind made me use muscles that I had never used before...every desperate wiggle was actually strengthening me...
I really didn't have a way to express what I have been going through until today. God in His infinite kindness showed me something this morning. I was walking the puppy (in the dark...it was 5a.m. ugh...) and as he made his way through the wet grass and leaves he stopped near the lamppost in front of my house. There is a large oak tree nearby and something was hanging from it. As a gentle breeze blew I saw the thread glimmer in the lamplight and my sleepy brain, which I am shocked was working yet without having had it's morning coffee fix, finally determined that it was an inchworm in descent from it's cocoon. Standing there with a new perspective (no longer feeling like the worm, but now seeing the "bigger picture") I found myself smiling.
As usual with me, God had given me a picture, a parable, a truth from nature, to explain what was happening to me. I was able to see things from beyond myself, and it gave me great peace. I mean, have you ever seen an inchworm plummet to the ground and just splat and die?...Me either. What I have seen my entire life instead, is a slow descent (sometimes they are there for days)... a gentle movement so slow that I really don't know how long it takes...But the thread remains strong enough for the entire journey.
God's hold on my life may seem invisible at times, but in the right light I can see it holding me securely. When I stay in His word and in His presence, even the gusts of wind find their purpose and I can trust that He won't let me drop too fast!
I really have no idea what is in store for me on the ground, but I am close enough to it now to see it, to survey it a bit from here.. It isn't so scary now that I am closer, it's actually kind of exciting and I am looking forward to exploring! I have done a lot of growing and strengthening while I was dangling in between the two places...and I couldn't have done that where I was or where I am going...I needed the in-between.
Some things in life are God's provision. We don't recognize it as such right away, but He gives us gifts of clarity and assurance like He gave me this morning. It was an unexpected grace which came just when I needed it. (God's timing is perfect, after all, He is God). Holding on to this will help me the rest of the way until I get to my destination. God is so merciful and he knows my heart and my emotions. He wants me to have a full and abundant life. He wants what is best for me, and that is not staying in the same place where I might become complacent and unusable...He has granted me the gift of change and now I can fully embrace it. Thank you Lord for this great start today in the midst of what has been a difficult time. You are always so good to me :)
"In You, Lord God, I put my trust. I trust in You...Show me Your ways Lord, teach me Your paths. Guide me in your truth and teach me, for You O God are my Savior, and my hope is in You all day long." - Psalm 25:1, 4-5