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Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth. Worship the Lord with gladness; come before Him with joyful songs. Know that the Lord is God." - Psalm 100:1-3 |
Oh my goodness, church in Malawi...how can I ever attempt to describe church in Malawi?
Well, you know how in America, even in the best services with the best music, the nicest cushiest seats and the most amazing pastor, there are still people who start looking at their watch after an hour as if to say, "It's must be time to go"..."Right?"...Not in Malawi.
Church there was the most raw, organic form of church that I have ever witnessed. Church in Africa is what I have imagined church was in the book of Acts...people who live in close community, gathering together in one small building, sharing everything; their joy, their hopes, their dreams...worshiping the Lord with everything that they have!
We began by gathering in a very small building. Instead of stained glass windows, the roughly framed windows had no glass at all, allowing the sweet morning air to enter the building to praise the Lord along with us. Instead of ornately carved wooden doors, the door frame stood empty as well, a constant reminder that anyone was welcome to enter. Instead of plush cushioned seats, the rough hewn stone benches rose like mountains from the floor to gladly make room for the many village parishioners. Instead of children in a playroom somewhere, families sat together, united as one.
Soon after gathering we were instructed to separate into groups; men, women, teens and small children for Sunday school. Sunday school was held all around the property....The men remained inside while the children and teens arranged bricks into seats and sat immediately outside of the building to the right and the left. Further down from the building, the women sat in a tiny corn field. We all had on dresses and some of the corn stalks were broken off so getting settled was a little dicey, but we eventually got seated on the ground ready to be taught by our fearless leader this day; Jody.
I was fortunate enough to know the back- story to the lesson planned for today, as Jody and I had become fast friends. God had been guiding her for quite some time to speak about "the vine and the branches"..."I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit, apart from me you can do nothing. If you do not remain in me, you are like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned." - John 15:5-6...Jody spoke about staying connected, abiding in Christ, leaning on Him and trusting in Him. Her lesson was powerful. She used visual aides and spoke with clarity. It was awesome to see the local women responding, but greater yet to see our team being nourished as well. Jody works with the youth at church, but God had plans to stretch her talents and spiritual gifts on this trip....she was amazing!
After the lesson, one of my most cherished memories from the trip was our prayer time with the women. We stood in a circle and held hands in the corn field...the crisp morning air hung like a shawl around our shoulders, uniting us. We prayed, each with abandon and heartfelt praise...thanks to our interpreters, we were able to hear the strength and power of these Godly women, our sisters in Christ...even now I want to cry. I am so moved that with all that they endure, their faith is genuinely deep and pure and their joy is beyond expression.
When Sunday school was finished, we filed back into the building for worship and the word. Worship went on for hours! We sang, the men sang, the women sang, the children sang, then we all sang some more. The men danced and stomped and used every once of their strength to praise the Lord. Sweat rolled down from their foreheads and mingled with their beaming smiles...The widows danced in gentle rhythmic circles, each more graceful than the next...the children's voices were pure and beautiful, most likely the closest thing that I will hear this side of heaven to an actual angel's song! (We sang too, but honestly, in comparison....well, there is no comparison, they worship with their body and soul and they are filled to overflowing with joy.
When we finished singing...then we sang some more :)....seriously!
Then Pastor Joe gave a great message from the book of Romans. It was what all of us needed to hear...and God completed the morning with truth for all of us to stand on. We left fortified and filled, ready for whatever came next, the way that one should leave church.
You see church is not about the building...it isn't a country club where we go and hang out for an hour every Sunday...Church is a body of people who have one very special thing in common; Jesus is their Lord and Savior. No matter if we were from America or from Malawi, we all were one family, one body, in Christ...Church is a place to worship God. Church is about Him and focusing on Him in joy and thanksgiving, as a result He blesses us, but we are not the focus, He is! It's never about us, it is always about Him.We were meant to praise the Lord...that is what we are here for.
They do a lot of things right in Malawi, church is most definitely on the top of the list!
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